

A message from our Founder, Erik Marks:

I started TisBest Philanthropy with the goal of creating a donation gift that would be widely recognized and appreciated. Gifts create and build relationships. Gifts say "I care about you". The youngest children offer us gifts of a bug, a pine cone or maybe a finger painting from school; and I recall my grandma in her 90's making gifts to us of the quarters she won playing bingo with her friends. The media tries to tell us that you can say "I care more" by buying a more elaborate or more expensive gift. Although an expensive item purchased from a fancy store might make a great gift for some people, I have a different idea about what makes a wonderful gift. I believe there is too much focus on gifts of "stuff" and that a donation gift is often the most appreciated and satisfying gift of all. TisBest now has over 300,000 satisfied Charity Gift Card donors and recipients and that group is growing every day! Recently, "Charitable Gift Card" was identified as a "buzzword of the year"....who would have thought? We have collected millions of dollars for charity. I love to hear how businesses are giving TisBest charity gift cards instead of gift baskets and parents are tucking TisBest charity gift cards into children's stockings, along with toys, to introduce the kids to the joy of sharing with others. I would love to hear from you too! Please email info@tisbest.org and share your comments, concerns and questions.

Here is a video on YouTube in which I talk about gift giving and why I believe in what TisBest offers. Thank you for having a look at the TisBest website and considering Charity Gift Cards for your gift giving this year.

Contact Us:

TisBest Philanthropy
317 S Bennett St.
Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98108


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